List Meetings (upcoming) defaults to 90 days

Previously I was able to hit the List Meetings endpoint (/users/{userId}/meetings?type=upcoming) and Zoom would return all the upcoming scheduled meetings. Now it seems to default to returning upcoming meetings only within the next 90 days.

Yes, I know I can pass in the to and from query parameters, but that is ineffective as I don’t know how far into the future I need to go to find all future meetings, AND It only works in 3 month increments. I can’t provide a to/from window greater than three months.

I’m aware that there was a Zoom in-app update where the Upcoming meetings display defaults to the next 90 days and we can change those dates with a new date selector. I don’t think that default behavior should also exist in the API, especially when using upcoming or upcoming_meetings for the type query parameter.

Hi @christiaan
Thanks for reaching out to us!
I am currently looking into this issue, since it has been reported already
Do you happen to have an example of how this used to work previously?

Hi @elisa.zoom ,

Thanks for responding!

I don’t know when the change happened, but previously we would make the following request…





  "page_size" => 200,
  "next_page_token" => "",
  "type" => "upcoming"

That call would return all upcoming meetings for the defined user. If necessary we could paginate.

Now, when I make that same call, Zoom only returns the meetings that happen between today and 90 days from today.

HI @christiaan
Thanks for sharing more details with me
I just did some testing on my end and I am able to query meetings 6 months from now