Hello. I am using windows-sdk to join a meeting and I am using the AudioCtrlEvent->onUserActiveAudioChange method to detect when the active speaking user is changed. So I am getting the callback on this method, but the IList of activeAudioUsers that is received has a count of 0 i.e. list->GetCount() returns 0. However, when trying with the demo app present on github, the callback receives the non empty list with user ids of active users. Am I missing some step ? I couldn’t find any documentation on how to use the AudioCtrlEvent.
P.S. I am receiving the callback but with empty list of active users.
sorry for miss the thread. if the activeaudiolist->getcount() returns 0, means now no active speaker in the meeting, you can clear the latest active speaker status.
@dats. Yes that is the desired behavior. But the API is returning zero even when there is an active speaker. When someone in the meeting starts speaking, the callback is received on the method but the list of active users has count 0 only.
You can refer to waitForCallback() method, it implements the message loop.
If there had been no message loop I couldn’t have received the callback. But problem is not that. I am receiving the callback, but, with empty list of active users.