List ZRA Teams returns empty object parent_teams

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List Account Teams [Deprecated]

The API endpoint to list ZRA Teams on the account is deprecated, but does not appear to have an alternative at this time so it is still the only endpoint capable of providing necessary functionality.

When this endpoint is used with the “parent_team_id” parameter, the parent_teams property on objects it returns, are supposed to include “team_id” and “name”, but instead returns the empty object “{}”. While this is expected for hierarchical teams at the top level and with no nested teams, this behavior is seen when the team has a parent team. This behavior is not observed when using the query parameter “team_name” where the object is populated correctly. When using neither parameter, only top level teams are returned so none of them would have data in that object.

Technically, in this scenario we know what the immediate parent_team is because we provided it as a query parameter. However, the parent_teams property is supposed to include all higher level parent teams which means much greater management of the ZRA teams structure being handled by the calling application rather than the API endpoint.

The JSON returned from the endpoint for teams contains “parent_teams : {}” even when parent_teams should exist.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use the GET /iq/teams endpoint along with a parent_team_id query parameter and no team_name parameter with a parent_team_id of a ZRA team that has teams in the hierarchy beneath it
  2. Observe that the returned team(s) have “{}” in the parent_teams property in error
  3. Use the GET /iq/teams endpoint along with a team_name parameter matching one of the teams returned in step 1, but with no parent_team_id parameter.
  4. Observe that the returned object(s) do have data in the “parent_teams” property with the expected data