Question on spotlighting

I would like to spotlight this active user for all other participants connected.

Which macOS Video SDK version?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: MacBook Pro ProM1
  • OS: macOS Monterey

Additional context
ZoomSDK.shared().getMeetingService().getMeetingActionController().spotlightVideo(selUserID) returns the unsupported error. I have given the local custom app the host ability. Is this feature not working yet for macOS?

Hi @vasoundman,

Please note that I have moved this post over to the #desktop-meeting-sdk:macos category. :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you using a custom meeting UI in your application? If so, spotlighting currently is only compatible with the default meeting UI. Please let me know if you are using the default UI and we can look into this further.


Hi there Jon!

Yes I am using the custom UI. Do you know when (estimate) that this will be available?


Hi @vasoundman,

We still need to investigate adding support for spotlighting when using a custom meeting UI, so we do not have an estimated timeline right now.


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