macOS Support for PTZ cameras


I can see that version 1.6.2 introduced support for PTZ cameras, but I can’t find any information in regards to how to initialize and allow control over the camera.

Has anyone been able to do this on macOS?

I’m able to list all my available cameras and check for the ability to control them once a user selects the camera.

The code I have been testing with looks like this:

 func fetchCameras() {
        let videoHelper = ZMVideoSDK.shared().getVideoHelper()
        cameraDevices = videoHelper.getCameraList() ?? []

        // Check which camera is currently selected
        if let selectedCamera = cameraDevices.first(where: { $0.isSelectedDevice }) {
            self.selectedCameraID = selectedCamera.deviceID
            print("Found selected camera. \(selectedCamera.deviceName)")
        } else {
            // No camera is selected or there are no cameras
            self.selectedCameraID = nil

func selectCamera(deviceID: String?) {
        let videoHelper = ZMVideoSDK.shared().getVideoHelper()
        if let cameraDeviceID = deviceID {
            let result = videoHelper.selectCamera(cameraDeviceID)
            print("Camera switched successfully? : \(result)")
        } else {
            print("selectCamera: Invalid Device ID")

    func canControlCamera() {
        var canControl: ObjCBool = false
        let result  = ZMVideoSDK.shared().getVideoHelper().canControlCamera(&canControl, deviceID: selectedCameraID)

        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.userCanControlCamera = canControl.boolValue
            let cameraName = self.cameraDevices.first(where: { $0.deviceID == self.selectedCameraID })?.deviceName
            print("\(self.errorMessage(for: result)). Can app control camera \(cameraName)? : \(self.userCanControlCamera)")

    func moveCameraLeft() {
        let range:UInt32 = 20

       let cameraName = self.cameraDevices.first(where: { $0.deviceID == self.selectedCameraID })?.deviceName
        let result = ZMVideoSDK.shared().getVideoHelper().turnCameraLeft(range, deviceID: selectedCameraID)

        print("Move \(cameraName) left:  \(errorMessage(for: result))")

    private func errorMessage(for error: ZMVideoSDKErrors) -> String {
        switch error {
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Success:
                return "Success"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Wrong_Usage:
                return "Error: Wrong usage of the SDK"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Internal_Error:
                return "Error: Internal SDK error"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Uninitialize:
                return "Error: SDK not initialized"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Memory_Error:
                return "Error: Memory issues encountered"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Load_Module_Error:
                return "Error: Failed to load a module"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_UnLoad_Module_Error:
                return "Error: Failed to unload a module".
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Auth_Error:
                return "Error: Authentication failed"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_JoinSession_NoSessionName:
                return "Error: No session name provided for joining session"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Wrong_Usage:
                return "Error: Wrong Usage"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Internal_Error:
                return "Error: Internal Error"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Uninitialize:
                return "Error: Uninitialize"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Memory_Error:
                return "Error: Memory Error"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Load_Module_Error:
                return "Error: Load Module Error"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_UnLoad_Module_Error:
                return "Error: Unload Module Error"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Invalid_Parameter:
                return "Error: Invalid Parameter"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Call_Too_Frequently:
                return "Error: Call too frequently"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_No_Impl :
                return "Error: No impl"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Dont_Support_Feature:
                return "Error: Dont support feature"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Unknown:
                return "Error: Unkown"
            case ZMVideoSDKErrors_Remove_Folder_Fail:
                return "Remove Folder Fail"
                // Add additional cases for other specific errors..
                return "Unknown error occurred with code: \(error.rawValue)"

I get the following outputs when calling the methods

ZMVideoSDKErrors_Success . Can app control camera Optional(“UVC Camera”)? : false

** Move Optional(“UVC Camera”) left: Error: Wrong usage of the SDK**

The current camera I’m working with is

Does this feature only work with certain types of cameras? @michael.zoom @rehema.zoom

I’ve also found this in the documentation, but I’m unsure of how to use it or if its related

@michael.zoom @rehema.zoom

I found the issue with my macOS project, I had to remove the Sandbox and hardened runtime options from my “Signing & capabilities” tab.

After that, I was able to control the PTZ camera and even grant users to request permissions to control the camera.

Has anyone been able to do this while having a sandbox?

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