Troubleshooting Video SDK initialization on macOS

Video SDK Type and Version
Zoom Video SDK macOS 1.11.0

Initializing the SDK shared instance results in an error.

let params = ZMVideoSDKInitParams()
params.domain = ""
params.enableLog = true


The error returned form the initialization call is ZMVideoSDKErrors_Invalid_Parameter (7)

Troubleshooting Routes

  • I’ve followed the steps to integrate the SDK and compared my setup to the sample application.
  • All of the required libraries have been linked in the project build phases and copied all files to the ‘Frameworks’ directory.
  • The and were re-signed using codesign to match the certificate signing the parent application. (These were preventing building & running the project)

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
*1. Apply the troubleshooting steps above and notice the error.

What other troubleshooting steps are recommended? The error seems to suggest a parameter issue, but the parameters match the documentation and sample project.