Marketo and Zoom - Missing Webinars

Hey, we’ve been using Zoom for about three months with no issues, but last night when adding in a new webinar, we have a message saying that we have no webinars available. Upoon checking Zoom, we have over 10 webinars set up across 5 accounts, which don’t seem to pull into Marketo. I’ve inputted the login credentials again into Marketo for the API’s and then also the Marketing users in the Marketplace.

Account Has no Webinars Scheduled.

Which App?

![Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 11.24.45|690x359]
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Hey @c.zanelli,

This issue should be fixed now. Can you please try again?


Hey @tommy

Perfect thanks so much, everything is back on our system. Out of curiosity, what was the issue?


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Hey @c.zanelli,

Happy to hear! :slight_smile:

It was a bug on our end relating to the Marketo Zoom integration with Webinars.

Apologies for the inconvenience,