API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
GET /accounts/{accountId}/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants
(Note: this editor is not letting me add a link )
We created a new marketplace app for dev purposes and are trying to access the API endpoint above with our credentials, but we are getting a scope error despite adding the required scopes.
Error? {"code":4711,"message":"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[dashboard:read:list_meeting_participants:master]."}
Note: The editor is not allowing me to submit this with a screenshot. Please reach out to me at bbrown@rvohealth.com if you need more context. Thanks.
Hi @bbrown can you please try uninstalling the application locally and removing the scope, then re-adding the scope, re-authing and generating a new access token?
Hi Gianna, thanks for the response. I’m on the same team as @bbrown. Just for clarity, this is a brand new Zoom marketplace application (server-to-server oauth). It was created a few days ago and had the permissions added to it then.
I’ll try removing and re-adding the scope and testing again.
Ok @gianni.zoom, since this is an OAuth server-to-server app, I couldn’t uninstall anything. But I removed the scope dashboard:read:list_meeting_participants:master, added it back, regenerated a new access token, and tested the API endpoint for:
GET /accounts/{accountId}/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants
It’s still returning a status code 400 response with the following contents:
statusCode: 400,
body: {
"code": 4711,
"message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [dashboard:read:list_meeting_participants:master]."
Hi @gianni.zoom thanks for taking a look into this! Just so that we can communicate timelines and expectations internally, can you help us understand what the typical turnaround time for a bug fix might be? Not sure if this is actively being worked on or is in a backlog. Thanks!
Hi @gianni.zoom I appreciate you looking into this issue! I’m on the same team as shelms1 & bbrown and wanted to check in to see if you needed any additional information to assist with this bug?