Master API for "Pro or a higher plan"?

Hi I am trying to build an app communicating through Server-to-Server App through Master API, however even though I am an owner and added proper “master” scopes I still receive this error:

Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:master].

As you see in scope I am trying to list all users’ recordings. Master API documentations says I need "Pro or a higher plan " and mine is Education. I have not seen any web resources that specify my plan is included in Pro or higher. Could you instruct me around this?
I can still list by user using REST API. But efficiently I need to list all in one GET request.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @dev-fs , this sounds like a bug a few other developers are experiencing and it is being investigated (ZSEE-125372).

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Thank you Gianni! To follow up, is there anywhere I can check time by time the investigation status updated by your team?

Hi @dev-fs , no this is an internal number to help myself and other Zoomies monitor status on specific issues, but I will share updates as they continue to be made available.

@dev-fs , can you please share the zm-tracking-id for the API response? This can be found in the response headers.

Hi Gianni, I see x-zm-trackingid instead of zm-tracking-id but I think you mean this param. The value I got from the latest run (cloud_recording.list_all_recordings) is :

x-zm-trackingid: v=2.0;clid=us02;rid=WEB_1d04ba70fd8126642c55a27c96911653

Thank you,

Thanks so much! Will get back to you.