Meeting Dashboard API doesn't return meeting type

I am using Dashboard API to list down all meetings in a given time range but in response I am not able to get meeting type whether it is Instant, Scheduled or Recurring. Why the API designed this way to not return meeting type or is it a limitation?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
  "from": "2021-01-06",
  "meetings": [
      "dept": "SSC",
      "duration": "04:02",
      "email": "",
      "end_time": "2021-01-06T06:46:23Z",
      "has_3rd_party_audio": false,
      "has_pstn": false,
      "has_recording": true,
      "has_screen_share": false,
      "has_sip": false,
      "has_video": true,
      "has_voip": true,
      "host": "Madhavi Joshi",
      "id": 947XXXX4617,
      "participants": 2,
      "start_time": "2021-01-06T06:42:21Z",
      "topic": "Test Incremental",
      "user_type": "Licensed|Webinar500",
      "uuid": "arqvKNc9S02eXUbIkwKg8w=="
  "next_page_token": "",
  "page_count": 1,
  "page_size": 30,
  "to": "2021-01-06",
  "total_records": 1

Hey @mjoshi,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. That’s Correct, this does seem to be a limitation of that API. However, if you’re just looking to obtain information about a past meeting, the Get a Meeting API will allow you to check the type of a past meeting.


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