Meeting Details Not Showing Correctly

While fetching the api for the meeting ,We see that the API is receiving incorrect information regarding “end_time” when we attempt to retrieve the “MeetingId: 93664154529” data from the Json form. Currently, we are receiving “end_time” as 10:44 PM (“end_time”:“2024-06-08T22:44:50Z”), although as per our observation meeting ended at 5:44 PM. For further details, please refer to the attached Json result. {“uuid”:“CJw749f1SOWdKiJD2/AsLg==”, “id”:93664154529, “host_id”:“3q3gUdqxQCat1TkfXkhqCA”, “type”:2, “topic”:“Zoom Meeting”, “user_name”:“Josephine Sbrocca”, “user_email":"”, “start_time”:“2024-06-08T15:02:56Z”, “end_time”:“2024-06-08T22:44:50Z”, “duration”:462, “total_minutes”:3504, “participants_count”:123, “dept”:“”, “source”:“InSync_Telemedicine”} Let me know if any

@insynctelemedicine Hope you will be fine.

For meeting details you need to use meeting id 93664154529.

But for past meeting report your need to use meeting uuid CJw749f1SOWdKiJD2/AsLg== (please double encode it before request).

Let me know if any query still.

You can get all past instances of meeting by request past instance api.
