Meeting registration form with template_id is not proper

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Endpoints used -

  1. GET /users/{userId}/meeting_templates
  2. POST /users/{userId}/meetings
    endpoint =
    requestBody= {“uuid”:null,“type”:2,“topic”:“02/01/2023, Advertisement”,“timezone”:“America/Los_Angeles”,“template_id”:“CwduyKQbRLq7pPIFe9r1bQ”,“status”:null,“start_url”:null,“start_time”:“2023-02-01T12:00:00”,“settings”:{“watermark”:null,“waiting_room”:null,“use_pmi”:null,“show_share_button”:null,“registration_type”:2,“registrants_email_notification”:true,“registrants_confirmation_email”:null,“practice_session”:null,“participant_video”:false,“panelists_video”:null,“mute_upon_entry”:null,“join_before_host”:null,“in_meeting”:null,“host_video”:true,“hd_video”:null,“global_dial_in_numbers”:null,“global_dial_in_countries”:null,“enforce_login_domains”:null,“enforce_login”:false,“contact_name”:null,“contact_email”:null,“cn_meeting”:null,“close_registration”:null,“auto_recording”:null,“audio”:“both”,“approval_type”:0,“alternative_hosts”:null,“allow_multiple_devices”:null},“registration_url”:null,“recurrence”:null,“password”:null,“occurrences”:null,“join_url”:null,“id”:null,“host_id”:“xBQbWOOWSv2I8I_Xi6Q_8w”,“end_time”:null,“duration”:30,“custom_questions”:null,“created_at”:null,“agenda”:null}

Even after passing the correct ‘template_id’ parameter for meeting registration, the meeting that is created from api is having the default registration form with 4 fields. The template id that we are passing have some custom questions in it but not getting the correct fields on the registration page.

Not getting the correct template which is expected as per template_id passed. Instead getting the default fields - (‘First Name’, ‘LastName’, ‘Email Address’, ‘Confirm Email Address’)

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Create a meeting template(type=1) in zoom with some custom questions in it.
*2. Try to pass this template id while creating the zoom meeting from api.
*3. Validate the registration form from meeting created in point 2. It will have only 4 required fields with no custom questions which we are expecting.

Contrast behavior between api and zoom portal for creating zoom meeting with template -
While creating the meeting with the template from zoom portal, the registration form is having the custom questions from the template. But not getting the template while creating from api.

Hi @rajshree.accenture12
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community, I am happy to help here!
Allow me some time to troubleshoot this on my end and I will try to reproduce this on my end.
I will come back to you with an update as soon as I have tested this.
