Meeting SDK Android issues

We are implementing some improvements to the application using the Android SDK that Zoom makes available and we are experiencing some problems. One of them is when the host sends a reaction, Android users cannot see this reaction using the customized Android SDK that Zoom provides while on IOS we can see the reactions. Another problem is when the participant is on the broadcast and turns on the camera on Android. When he clicks to switch to the rear camera the SDK does not change. It only changes after 3 attempts or even turns the camera image upside down. When he tries to go back to the front camera, it freezes and he has to turn it off. Then he can’t turn it back on. Could you help us with these problems please?

Hi, @felype.fagundes,
Thank you for posting in the Developer Forum. We appreciate your participation and are happy to help! Before we proceed, could you please confirm the following information:

A clear and concise description of what the question is.

Which Android SDK Version

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
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To Reproduce(If applicable)
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Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device:
  • Android SDK:

SDK Logs

Additional context
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Dear, good afternoon.

Below are the answers to the questions:

Description: Android user cannot see reactions sent by the host and cannot change the camera.

SDK Version: 5.13.0

Code Excerpt: We do not have the excerpt that receives the actions performed by the host or the camera change, as they are all implemented in the SDK’s native lib.

How to reproduce. Use the sample available in version 5.13.0 of the Android SDK. Send an action such as sending an emoji through the host. It will not appear for the android user. Enable the camera on Android and switch to the rear, at this point the camera will remain front but rotated. Furthermore, when you click on front again, the camera will lock.

Screenshots/Video and Logs: We do not have them.

Device: Any Android device.

Android SDK: Any supported version of the SDK