Meeting sdk is Activated but calls are failing with "MEETING_STATUS_FAILED"

Meeting SDK Type and Version
Using Android Meeting SDK: v6.0.10.22015

*I can only initiate and join call with the zoom account that was used to create the zoom sdk app and download the meeting sdk. If i try to initiate the call using any other account, i get the “MEETING_STATUS_FAILED”.
The calls were working fine till 20th Sep, 2024. It started to fail from 21 Sep, 2024.
Why is it happening and how to fix it?

Note: In my sdk management page, I see the sdk-app i am using is ACTIVATED and also has a Update button, however previously I was told by a zoom-support-agent not to update it as it might fail something in my current app.

Should I update it? if so, will it fix my issue ? Also will it change the way i initiate the zoom sdk in my android app (using jwt token)?*

ErrorCode: 6601
internalErrorCode: 0

Troubleshooting Routes
Calls initiated by any other accounts other than the one that was used to create the zoom-sdk-app, fails to join call.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
1. initiate a call with a account other than the one that was used to create the zoom-sdk-app
2. join call from the mobile app (app has meeting sdk)
3. error on mobile: “MEETING_STATUS_FAILED”

@naimur error 6601 means you are trying to join an external meeting.

You will need to publish your marketplace app before you can join an external meeting.


Would you please answer the question related to the update?
My app is activated. I dont see any publish option for my sdk-app. I only see update.
I am concerned about the consequence of the update. Please answer in detail, i have attached screenshot as well.

And also what changed after 20sep? Everything was working fine before that. I didnt receive any warning email related to any change about this.


activated != published.
You will need to go through approval process before it is published.


I understand. Thanks for the clarification. But i havent found the answer to my questions.

  1. Were anything changed recently for which i am getting this issue?

  2. [quote=“naimur, post:1, topic:117887”]
    Note: In my sdk management page, I see the sdk-app i am using is ACTIVATED and also has a Update button, however previously I was told by a zoom-support-agent not to update it as it might fail something in my current app.

If I update it, will it change the way i initiate the zoom sdk in my android app (using jwt token)?*


  1. Yes there is an enforcement done. This is a global change where all marketplace apps will need to go through review before they can join external meeting, and this was done over different phrase for different customers.
  2. Activation and updating will not no effect on external meeting join. In other words, activating or updating your application will not solve your issue. You will need to publish it.

From the screenshot, I see that your legacy app has “no” for intent to publish. This imply that the application is not published.

If you update it, there will be no changes to your SDK Key and SDK secret. The way to initiate your SDK in your android application will remain the same.

Do take note that after updating your application, you will still need to publish (submit your application for review) before you can join external meetings.

Got it. Thank you so much for the clarification. @chunsiong.zoom

hi @chunsiong.zoom

I have updated the app and submitted for publishing. But i see there is a backlog and it says it could take upto 4 weeks which could result in a devastating result for our users.

[URGENT] Question:
is there a way we could expedite the process? As we have more than 1500+ active users who uses our app regularly and use zoom meeting sdk to communicate with clinicians daily for telemedicine visits. This issue is interrupting this and putting the patients in danger.


Hi @naimur

Thank you for providing this information.
I’ll DM you regarding the app-specific review status.
