Sample app failed to join meeting because of error 6601

Meeting SDK Type and Version
SDK Type: Android Meeting SDK
SDK Version: v5.17.1.18530

I followed the instruction steps in this one and the previous pages: Build, run, and play, I can run the sample project, but when I tapped API User then, typed in the meeting ID and pwd, the app cannot join the meeting.

Error? Log copied from Android Studio as below:

us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onClickBtnJoinMeeting, ret=0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   D  onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING:0:0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onMeetingStatusChanged, meetingStatus=MEETING_STATUS_CONNECTING, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   D  onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING:0:0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onMeetingStatusChanged, meetingStatus=MEETING_STATUS_DISCONNECTING, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   D  onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_FAILED:6601:0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onMeetingStatusChanged, meetingStatus=MEETING_STATUS_FAILED, errorCode=6601, internalErrorCode=0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   D  onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_ENDED:0:0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onMeetingStatusChanged, meetingStatus=MEETING_STATUS_ENDED, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   D  onMeetingStatusChanged MEETING_STATUS_IDLE:0:0
us.zoom.sdkexample                   I  onMeetingStatusChanged, meetingStatus=MEETING_STATUS_IDLE, errorCode=0, internalErrorCode=0

How To Reproduce
*1. Download the Android Meeting SDK and then run sample from Android Studio (with JWT set)
*2. Start a new meeting from Mac Zoom Client and copy the meeting code / pwd
*3. In sample app > Input the Meeting number && user name > Join Meeting
*4. Ran into error as above.

1 Like

Wow, i’ve actually been having the same issue as @chinalwb168.

Does anybody have any information on how to resolve this?

@chinalwb168 ,

Error 6601 refers to a specific scenario.

If you did not publish your SDK app, and are are trying to join a meeting which is created by a user on an external account, you will get this error.

If you try to join a meeting created by a user, who is using the same account as the SDK, you should not get this error.