Meeting sdk signin problem

When joining the meeting SDK as a host, it works directly. However, when joining as a member, it asks for signing in. But when attempting to sign in, it only renders without showing the allow option, endlessly displaying a white mockup.

import React, { useEffect, Fragment, useContext } from “react”;
import Context from “…/Context/Context”;
import { useLocation } from “react-router-dom”;

const Meeting = () => {

const payload = {


useEffect(() => {
const initializeMeeting = async () => {
try {
const { ZoomMtg } = await import(“@zoomus/websdk”);

    ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib('', '/av');
    // loads language files, also passes any error messages to the ui
    // ZoomMtg.i18n.load('en-US');
    // ZoomMtg.i18n.reload('en-US');
      meetingNumber: payload.meetingNumber,
      role: payload.role,
      sdkKey: payload.sdkKey,
      sdkSecret: payload.sdkSecret,
      success: function (signature) {
          leaveUrl: payload.leaveUrl,
          success: function (data) {
              meetingNumber: payload.meetingNumber,
              signature: signature.result,
              sdkKey: payload.sdkKey,
              userName: payload.userName,
              userEmail: payload.userEmail,
              passWord: payload.passWord,
              tk: "",
              success: function () {
                console.log("-- joined --");
              error: function (joinError) {
                console.error("Error joining meeting:", joinError);
          error: function (initError) {
            console.error("Error initializing Zoom:", initError);
      error: function (signError) {
        console.error("Error generating SDK signature:", signError);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error while initializing Zoom:", error);


}, [payload.meetingNumber, payload.role, payload.sdkKey, payload.sdkSecret, payload.passWord, payload.userName, payload.userEmail, payload.leaveUrl]);

return (

  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />



export default Meeting;

@chunsiong.zoom @donte.zoom @gianni.zoom @elisa.zoom please help when i join with cross-origin-isolated No then it is working if the cross-origin-isolated is yes then endlessly displaying a white mockup.


Thanks for the tag! You’re using an old version of the SDK, have you tried testing with the latest version?

@donte.zoom yes I have already tried with new version still that is not without the cross origin isolated that is working for both admin and member.but when cross origin isolated that is working for admin because they no need to login. And for member that is infinitely loading for sdk helper. @donte.zoom can you help me?

@donte.zoom please response to this topic or else I have to remove the meeting sdk from my website.I will find another solution for the web meeting.

@uitestingawsai ,

Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I’m not able to reproduce that behavior on my end. Would you be able to give me the step-by-step details to reproduce the behavior you are seeing ? Also, please share a screenshot of your browser console when the white screen is shown.

@donte.zoom let’s me explain properly first I am integrating the zoom sdk without cross origin isolated then it’s all working for all and it’s properly working.But for the gallery view i added the shared array buffer for enable the cross origin isolated then it cause problem like when I join as member then the meeting sdk helper (signing) is infinitely loading so as member we cannot join the meeting.but as admin it is working

That’s unusual - I’ve never come across such behavior. Could you please provide a screenshot of your console? Also, specify the method you’re using to enable Sharedbufferarray. Additionally, a screenshot of the Sharedbufferarray implementation would be helpful. Have you tried other methods of implementing Sharedbufferarray? Lastly, how are you joining the meeting as a guest?

@donte.zoom i am using this method GitHub - gzuidhof/coi-serviceworker: Cross-origin isolation (COOP and COEP) through a service worker for situations in which you can't control the headers (e.g. GH pages) . i did not try other method. Previously when my cross origin isolated is disable its working for member. is this happend because of the meeting do not have password ?