Meeting Signature Invalid Error

Zoom is returning a “Signature is Invalid” error for our draft app “AI Notetaker”. We have strong reason to believe this a bug on zoom’s end. We can provide more information about generating the meeting signature but we’re sure the error isn’t coming from there.

Tagging @chunsiong.zoom per this thread:


Can you send a sample of your JWT token?

Our JWT code works fine if we make it as a Meeting SDK app through “Create Legacy App”; the Signature is invalid error only happens through creating a normal zoom app and toggling on the Meetings SDK. I’m sure the signature is being calculated correctly.

@aok ,

I’ll PM to you get the JWT token details

I am also having some difficulty getting the signature

here is my code , kindly where i am doing it wrong in php

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(‘php://input’), true);

// Your Zoom API key and secret
$apiKey = ‘G8Sde-----------------’;
$apiSecret = ‘ie7rRl2-----------------’;

// Generate a Zoom signature
function generateZoomSignature($apiKey, $apiSecret, $meetingNumber, $role) {
$time = time() * 1000 - 30000; // Time in milliseconds (timestamp - 30 seconds)
$data = base64_encode($apiKey . $meetingNumber . $time . $role);
$hash = hash_hmac(‘sha256’, $data, $apiSecret, true);
$signature = $apiKey . ‘.’ . $meetingNumber . ‘.’ . $time . ‘.’ . $role . ‘.’ . base64_encode($hash);
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($signature), ‘+/’, ‘-_’), ‘=’);

$signature = generateZoomSignature($apiKey, $apiSecret, $meetingNumber, $role);

// Create JSON object
$response = array(
‘signature’ => $signature

// Convert array to JSON and echo
echo json_encode($response);

apiKey/apiSecret (-> JWT App) no longer works

you have to migrate to SDK Key/SDK Secret (-> Meeting App/General App)

@murungatim please start a new thread , tag me and share a sample of your generated token. Your issue might be different from this thread.