Meeting status does not change when another meeting has been started

We have a problem with the iOS SDK. If we start a meeting using the Zoom application and then start one more meeting in our application using Zoom iOS SDK in both cases we use the same account, we get state .connecting and there is no another state in the delegate:

func onMeetingStateChange(_ state: MobileRTCMeetingState)

Also we get nothing in the delegate func onMeetingError(_ error: MobileRTCMeetError, message: String?

We can’t do any actions in this case.

In the Zoom Mac SDK, the situation is different.

We get state OtherMeetingInProgress in the delegate:

(void)onMeetingStatusChange:(ZoomSDKMeetingStatus)state meetingError:(ZoomSDKMeetingError)error EndReason:(EndMeetingReason)

We understand that the meeting started and we can’t create a new one.

Please, clarify how we can understand that the meeting started and how we can process this case on Zoom iOS SDK.

Which iOS Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start an instant meeting using the Zoom application
  2. Try starting meeting in the iOS SDK-based app
  3. See that the meeting status changes to ‘Connecting’
  4. No further status changes occur.


Thank you for posting. Can you post a screenshot of your Meeting State implementation and supply us with an SDK log? We would recommend referring to the implementation in our Meetings State help support guide here and see if it helps. And to locate the log file, follow the instructions in the Log Feature section of this page:


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