Meeting Won't Load (Meeting State ID?)

For some reason when we launch a meeting in our iOS app we get a little spinning circle and the zoom meeting won’t load. In Xcode I see the following: Do you know what these meeting states mean? Thank you

Current meeting state: 1
Current meeting state: 4
Current meeting state: 1
Current meeting state: 7


Thank you for posting in the Zoom Developer Forum. Can you share the entire error message you are seeing? This will help diagnose what may be happening.

Hi Donte, thanks for the reply.

Here’s the exact log from Xcode (this is for iOS). It looks like the “Current Meeting State” will tell us the problem, but I can’t find what the meeting state numbers mean.

“2023-04-25 15:15:24.323471-0700 todd[1361:112736] Can’t find keyplane that supports type 5 for keyboard iPhone-PortraitChoco-PhonePad; using 27154_PortraitChoco_iPhone-Complex-Pad_Default
Current meeting state: 1
Current meeting state: 4
Current meeting state: 1
Current meeting state: 7”

@schwartzals In MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate have onMeetingStateChange:(MobileRTCMeetingState)state func.

@brief MobileRTCMeetingState An enumeration of meeting states.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MobileRTCMeetingState) {
MobileRTCMeetingState_Idle,///<No meeting is running.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Connecting,///<Connect to the meeting server status.
MobileRTCMeetingState_WaitingForHost,///<Waiting for the host to start the meeting.
MobileRTCMeetingState_InMeeting,///<Meeting is ready, in meeting status.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Disconnecting,///<Disconnect the meeting server, leave meeting status.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Reconnecting,///<Reconnecting meeting server status.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Failed,///<Failed to connect the meeting server.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Ended,///<Meeting ends.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Unknow,///<Unknown status.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Locked,///<Meeting is locked to prevent the further participants to join the meeting.
MobileRTCMeetingState_Unlocked,///<Meeting is open and participants can join the meeting.
MobileRTCMeetingState_InWaitingRoom,///<Participants who join the meeting before the start are in the waiting room.
MobileRTCMeetingState_WebinarPromote,///<Upgrade the attendees to panelist in webinar.
MobileRTCMeetingState_WebinarDePromote,///<Downgrade the attendees from the panelist.
MobileRTCMeetingState_JoinBO,///<Join the breakout room.
MobileRTCMeetingState_LeaveBO,///<Leave the breakout room.

@zhaoxj Thanks, do you know why we’re seeing numbers for the meeting states? ie: Meeting State: 7. What do these mean?

@schwartzals In the previous reply, MobileRTCMeetingState An enumeration of meeting states.

MobileRTCMeetingState_Idle = 0
MobileRTCMeetingState_Connecting = 1
MobileRTCMeetingState_WaitingForHost = 2

MobileRTCMeetingState_Ended = 7

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