Method then is not available in this version of Zoom Apps SDK and might not work correctly. Please, update your version of Zoom Apps SDK

Zoom Apps Configuration
Share the Zoom Apps configuration (e.x. React, Vanilla JS, Node.js) you’re working with to give relevant context.
Moving from old version of SDK (downloaded minified file) to new SDK node module version. Using it with React/Node.

Details on your question, workflow or the problem you’re trying to solve.
After I run .config, I get a successfully configured SDK object, but then code keeps running on the Zoom side and it errors out and my app hangs.

The full error message or issue you are running into, where applicable.
This is the breakdown of what happens when I try and start my Zoom App:

  1. I begin to render my React app
  2. I use the new Zoom SDK Node Module (version 0.16.8) and call zoomSdk.config with my options
  3. I receive a successful response on the frontend from the config call:

handler: {get: function}

target: ZoomSdk {_version: "0.16.8", _postMessage: function, _clientVersion: "", native2js: function, callZoomApi: function, …}
  1. I expect the Zoom SDK to be finished running, as it has returned my value, however, I receive this warning:
    Method then is not available in this version of Zoom Apps SDK and might not work correctly. Please, update your version of Zoom Apps SDK -

  2. Then there is an error:

    [native code]
}ms to respond

Troubleshooting Routes
The troubleshooting attempt types you’ve already exhausted, including testing with the appropriate sample app (found on Zoom · GitHub).
I have gone into the node module and added some logging. The error is occurring in the generator at @zoom/appssdk/dist/ line 982.
I logged the variables in the generator and received the following:

apiName: "then"
data: function () { [native code] }
timeout: function () { [native code] }

I’ll add some screenshots as well.

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
See above.

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I was trying to add screenshots, but it says media embeds are not allowed (even though there’s an image attachment option), so I’m not able to do so right now.
Also, something seems to have edited my code snippets above? Can attempt to resend those if it’s helpful.

Thanks for sharing details about the issue that you’re encountering. Are you able to share the code that you are using to call config() and the function that results in that error?

I also upgraded your account from a new user so that you can post screenshots.

(I meant to post this yesterday – got distracted by a meeting, apologies.)

Thank you for doing that! I’ll post the screenshots now. And yes, here’s the relevant code.

In the React component for the landing page:

async componentDidMount() {
   // we do an internal auth check, everything is fine here

    console.log('about to get meeting id');

    const { meetingId, parentId } = await getMeetingUUID(); // imported from ./helpers/zoom-sdk

    console.log('got id ', meetingId);

    await addBreakoutRoomListener(this.props.history.push); // imported from ./helpers/zoom-sdk
    // more internal code

In the ./helpers/zoom-sdk.ts file containing the imports above:

import zoomSdk, {
  // Zoom type definitions
} from '@zoom/appssdk';

const _getZoomSdk: GetZoomSDK = async () => {
  console.log('in get zoom sdk ');

  try {
    console.log('trying to config ');

    const configResponse = await zoomSdk.config({ capabilities: apis }); // apis is just a list of requested capabilities

    // we do some internal work to configure correctly based on the user's role

    console.log('configured successfully'); // we log this
  } catch (err: any) {
    console.log('error with config '); // no error is caught here
    // internal error handling

  console.log('returning sdk ', zoomSdk); // we log this successfully

  return zoomSdk;

export const getMeetingUUID: SDKGetMeetingUUID = async () => {
  try {
    console.log('getting sdk in uuid');
    const configuredZoomSdk = await _getZoomSdk();
    console.log('got my zoom sdk ', configuredZoomSdk); // we do not log this, as the app is now hanging
   const {
    } = await configuredZoomSdk.getMeetingUUID();
    return { meetingId: meetingUUID, parentId: parentUUID };
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('i got an error here ', err); // you can see in the screenshots that no error is caught here
   // then we do internal error handling
  return { meetingId: undefined };


Thanks for providing those details! I’m not seeing why this would be happening so I’ve reached out to our team for more insight. I’ll let you know when I have the next steps.

In the meantime, does removing the try/catch block from the GetZoomSDK function allow an error to be passed to the parent try/catch block?

Thanks for taking a look and helping out!

Unfortunately there’s no change when removing the try/catch block :slightly_frowning_face: (other than me logging some gibberish to confirm my builds were recompiling)

I know that you’re using the NPM package but try setting the version parameter in the config function to the version of your NPM package and let me know if that helps to resolve the issue.

Hey there, I tried that out and unfortunately there’s no change.

I don’t know where the error is originating from (why “then” is being considered a method), but if it’s helpful, I’ve found where the code is breaking due to an unhandled promise rejection.

In there’s a function __awaiter on line 49. There’s a method on this function called step which does not handle promise rejections, and this is what’s causing the code to hang here. I’ve been able to kind of “fix” things by handling the rejection (the code kind of just moves past the rejected then) but this obviously doesn’t solve the underlying issue, and obviously I don’t want to be relying on modified node modules in the code. But maybe that’s helpful on your end for debugging?

The advice I’ve heard from our internal team is that they recommend using the latest version of the SDK (0.16.10) to see if that resolves the issue. Overall, they advised that using the CDN along with the version parameter can help to stay up-to-date with the latest changes.

If upgrading your NPM package doesn’t resolve the issue please let me know.

Hi Max,

I’ve tried with versions 16.8, 16.9, and 16.10 (newest) and I haven’t seen any changes with any of them. I know the screenshots show 16.8, but I should have mentioned that I had tried multiple versions.

Hi again, any updates? This is blocking our team from upgrading the SDK.

What version do you have of the sdk in your package.json? That is the true version of the sdk. Passing in more updated version params is limited by the npm version. This is why we recommend using the cdn, as it stays updated automatically to any version enhancements and all you need to do is pass in the version you desire. With the npm package, you have to upgrade each time and pass in the version you desire (so long as it is same or lower than the npm package version)

Hey, thanks for the reply. Sorry for the delay on my end – I had written my post and not published it on accident.

I’ve changed the package version in npm multiple times (in my package.json followed by a new npm install). Have tried this with all version from 16.8 and newer and I have gotten the same error each time.

I see now that there’s a deadline for upgrading the SDK. Would really like to solve this right away so that we don’t have to deal with any service issues.

@ash.provost Any thoughts on how we can resolve this and issues like this for the latest versions?

Hello @MaxM ,

I recently encountered the same problem while running my test suite with vitest. Is there any update on this issue?


Although the methods weren’t invoked in my component, I ended up mocking them while running tests and it fixed my issue :slight_smile:

Were you only seeing this when running tests or while running the app? Likewise, was this triggered by a specific function that you called in the SDK?

The message was triggered by openUrl function and was displayed only while running tests (the error caused my test runner to hang) .

The app works fine!