Microphone is muted and an attempt is made to unmute it, the unmute fails


If the microphone is muted and an attempt is made to unmute it, the unmute may fail.
It does not occur for a single user, but when it does occur, the muted user among the participating users is unable to unmute the mute state.
I can’t reproduce the problem, so I’m not sure what the cause might be.

@IBAction func micBtn(_ sender: Any) {
        let userinfo = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()?.userInfo(byID: UInt(zoomid))
        let audioStatus:MobileRTCAudioStatus? = userinfo?.audioStatus
        if(audioStatus?.isMuted == true){
                let userinfo = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()?.userInfo(byID: UInt(zoomid))
                let audioStatus:MobileRTCAudioStatus? = userinfo?.audioStatus
                if(audioStatus?.isMuted == false){
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        let startmic = UIImage(named: "micon.png")
                        self.micBtn.setImage(startmic, for: .normal)

use CustomUI


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