Migrate Published Marketplace App to Different Zoom Subscription

We are in the planning stages of migrating the Jifflenow Zoom account users and data into our Cvent Zoom account. It has come to our attention that there is a Zoom Marketplace app for Jifflenow that is published within account. This app is actively being used by Zoom/Jifflenow customers.

Jifflenow App (App Marketplace)

We want to transfer the Jifflenow app to the account where we host our production apps (Cvent for Zoom Meetings & Webinars app, and Cvent for Zoom Events).

  • What is the process for initiating a transfer of a PUBLISHED Marketplace app?
  • What is the impact of making this transfer?

We have also heard that it is not possible to move a published marketplace app from one Zoom sub to another, and that it has to be rebuilt in the different sub. Is this true?