Missing Scope Phone:master

Hi :slight_smile:
I wanted to switch from JWT to Server to Server oauth.
When I make a request, I get the error message

{“code”:104,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[phone:master].”}

I couldn´t find anything about that scope. It is not mentioned in the get requests as a necessary permission. I tried to add the scopes, but there are no master scopes available within my Server to Server app. Not even the account owner has that scope available.

How can a add this master scopes? And do I need them for all Server to Server requests?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @Florentine
Could you please confirm what endpoints are you trying to call when getting this 104 code error?

I am able to find the phone:master scope in my Server to Server app, under Phone scopes > View and manage all sub account’s Zoom Phone information.

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