Missing Scopes "meeting:write:admin" and "user:write:admin: for OAuth Apps

I am trying to create a new Server-To-Server OAuth App, where I need to be able to specify the scopes “meeting:write:admin” and “user:write:admin”.

However, these API methods are no longer available!

Instead, they seem to have been renamed as “meeting:write:meeting:admin” and “user:write:user:admin”.
See Missing Scopes For OAuth Apps.png - Google Drive

I have previously created Server-To-Server OAuth Apps with the API methods “meeting:write:admin” and “user:write:admin”, and these Apps are still currently working.

How can I create a new Server-To-Server OAuth App with the API methods “meeting:write:admin” and “user:write:admin”? Am I missing something simple?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or solution to this issue.