Missing webhook events - meeting.started

We are also experiencing issues with some webhook events not being delivered (e.g. meeting.participant_joined, meeting.participant_left).

We had this same issue a few months ago: Not receiving webhooks for customer but receiving webhooks for our own account

Just this morning, the problem is happening again. Customers are complaining about not getting updated data in our product.

We have also noticed this with our own connection - I created 3 separate Zoom meetings this morning and never received webhooks for any of them. After creating a 4th meeting, I did receive a webhook, so I don’t think this is an issue on our end. We are not seeing any errors in our logs, so as far as we can tell the webhook events are simply not getting delivered to our server. We don’t use Cloudflare or any other layer on top of our AWS system, so there isn’t any possibility of these requests getting blocked at a higher level.

I checked the Zoom status page but the only item is about scheduled maintenance for SMS so that doesn’t seem related. The fact that this issue is happening for us and our customers makes me think it’s more widespread than an issue with a single account.