Mobile Zoom in-app purchases

To develop Zoom Apps for Zoom clients for iOS, iPadOS, and Android, your app must not accept in-app purchases using Stripe or other payment processing solutions. Additionally, your app must not link to an external purchase flow or purchasing mechanisms using buttons, external links, or other calls to action.

I’m somewhat confused by this paragraph and looking for clarification. Does this mean you can’t have a subscription based app if zoom sdk is part of your tech stack? Our app uses Zoom’s video capabilities but it is by no means the main point of the app, I’m just trying to figure out how our app is allowed to make money with the zoom sdk connected.

I believe that the text you are referring to indicates that the Zoom App cannot accept in-app payments. You can have a paid app but it should be paid for outside of Zoom.

If you can point me to where you are reading this paragraph I can confirm if this is the case.