MobileRTC Missing UDID

(Missing UUID de6f1e0804a3393aa59548242b5966e4)
On Firebase Crashlytics it is Showing this crash, Both Firebase and Xcode Crash are attached

I recently Upgraded Zoom Meeting SDK to latest 5.17.11 in my iOS App,
Xcode 15.1
We Supported iOS 13.0 or later
Previous version of Zoom which was running perfectly was 5.16.5

Which iOS Meeting SDK version?

  1. I am just trying to Join or Start meeting
  2. Able to Join/Start meeting successfully
  3. After 2 seconds I get this crash


  • iPad 8the gen
  • iPad OS 17.3.1

I have also got the Xcode crash logs how can I share them here

Zoom SDK 5.16.5 works perfectly with the same code.

@chunsiong.zoom can you please look into this issue and help.
@developers.rakle @developer-whova @iOS-Dev-Work @ios_feifei @infinixsoft.ios @zoom_share_ios

@carson.zoom @zoom.zoom @zoom90 @zoomuser-16 @zoom87 @zoom60
Any idea on this crash?

Hello guys Please help, if you. can.
@chunsiong.zoom @chunnukv07 @chungjordan
@zoomphoneccr @IOSDev @ios_feifei @iOS-Dev-Work @infinixsoft.ios @zoom_share_ios

It is really surprising to see that 136 users viewed but nobody is capable to answer this question.

Out of 176 viewer of this Post , will anybody dare to answer ?


Surprising to see out of 214 users who viewed this question, nobody is able to help.


Apologies for the delayed response on this topic. Is this matter still unresolved, or were you able to address it?

Thanks for reply @donte.zoom , at least someone took efforts to reply.

Yes I am still facing this issue,


Appreciate your swift response! Could you please clarify if you’re utilizing iOS or React Native? I noticed React Native was referenced earlier.

Thank you, IT was prompt response from you as well.
IT is purely native iOS.

I Upgraded Zoom Meeting SDK to latest 5.17.11 in my iOS App,
Xcode 15.3
We Supported iOS 15.0 or later
Previous version of Zoom which was running perfectly - Zoom SDK 5.16.5.

Which iOS Meeting SDK version?

  1. I am just trying to Join or Start meeting
  2. Able to Join/Start meeting successfully
  3. After 2-4 seconds app crashes, and if I simply replace the sdk back to 5.16.5 it works just fine as normal.

Hey guys please look at this issue and help if you can
@zoom @zoomuser-16 @cartronicapp @carlos.dedeus @MrGarcia @masterchucks100pctsl @IOSDev @iOS-Dev-Work @zoom_share_ios

Anybody please answere this question?

@IOSDev @ios_feifei @iOS-Dev-Work @infinixsoft.ios @zoom_share_ios @androidtest112244 @androidfei
Please help me get this issue fixed

Hi @Anand_Vyass ,
Can you share your start meeting function?
Also try to call the start meeting on main thread, e.g.
func startMeeting(){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()


Yes I tried this but still its, crashing after 2 sec. of starting meeting.
Using the default Meeting UI

Anybody can please help resolve this crash