Monetization questions

Hi Al,

We are from EU and developing a SaaS product with different paid plans. Part of our business strategy is to touch ZOOM users, as our product can (and definitely should!) be available for them.

I found this page:
developers zoom us /docs/distribute/monetization/
and I have questions:

  1. Do I really need to use ZOOM payments for my service? We have a payment gateway provider that takes care of everything for us. I don’t want to have separate payments for people who subscribe through the website and people who come through the ZOOM marketplace.
  2. There is a link on the page mentioned above: devforum zoom us /c/marketplace/monetization but it doesn’t work. Any new address?
  3. It’s not clear to me still - on the website it’s written:

For beta :
The business or individual that receives payments and payouts must be in the geographic USA.
Buyers must be in the geographic USA, and transactions are handled in US currency.

What beta? Do I need to have US entity to create paid app?

It’s all bit confusing - some help appreciated.

(can’t post links so had to delete the dots from pages)

Hi @toto, welcome to the Zoom Dev community :slight_smile:

You are not required by any means to use Zoom’s monetization option.

This is an optional path that you may want to take advantage of, but does not preclude you from using your existing payment path.

You’re also not required to set this up. Our App Marketplace would only offer users to upgrade through Zoom if you set up Monetization yourself through your app.

We fully expect people to continue to use their existing primary method of payment. Monetization through Zoom allows users to upgrade/pay for Apps with their existing Zoom billing subscriptions, invoices, etc. Say, for example, you’re an IT team that wants to keep your communications/IT purchasing consolidated on one invoice; this allows you to purchase Zoom and the Apps your teams use on it on one invoice. If you want separate billing for that to the app directly, great!

(Apologies on the link issue, your first posts can’t contain links)