Multiple scopes in authorize url gives error

Adding multiple scopes in the authorization endpoint results in error in authorization redirect. Just adding 1 scope works fine.

Here is an example authorization url we created (some values left blank intentionally):

The above url gives error Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700). However when we follow the same url but with just one scope it works fine.

Hi @rohan1
Could you make sure that you added the redirect url in your oauth list please?

Hi @elisa.zoom

Yes we have added redirectUrl in our oauth list. The url is working for us if we reduce the scope to one but not when adding multiple scope. So everything else should be okay.

Multiple scope url (DOES NOT WORK):

Single scope url (WORKS)

Thanks for the update @rohan1
I am not able to replicate this behavior on my end. I can authorize the app with however many scopes I add.
Could you please share with me what are the scopes you are adding to double check on my end?

We tried scopes meeting:write:meeting and user:read:user separated by space.
See url below:

Wondering if there is some issue with url encoding or url format

It could be @rohan1
If you add the scopes directly in the app, you should be able to authorize it.