Mute zoom meeting participant just for me -> "Mute for me"

I need this for hybrid meeting

+1 Can’t believe this isn’t a feature yet.

The original request was 4 years ago. Wow. How has this not been implemented?

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As an instructor that has participants often in the same room, a mute for me feature would be incredibly helpful. I often have another instructor teaching in person in the same room as me but I want to hear online students without echo from the instructor’s zoom account. Please please please make this a feature!

I would also very much like to have this function.
My only guess as to why this hasn’t been implemented yet is to reduce potential sources of error.

Mixed meetings where some people are present and others are joined via Zoom are becoming more common, there needs to be a way to fix the echo and double-voice problem for these cases.

“Mute for me” would be one option.
A more application-oriented function to solve the same problem would be the creation of “Present Groups” within the Zoom call. It indicates that people are sitting next to each other and therefore their voice, recorded from the respective microphone, must not be played back.

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+1 here,

need this function badly. hopefully not behind a paywall. but then again If i need it badly i should be willing to pay right?! anyway ill be using VDO ninja until this becomes a thing for zoom.