MuteAttendeeAudio() does not work

I am trying to implement a mute/unmute functionality where a host can mute/unmute specific users. By doing this, I am calling

mZoomSDK.inMeetingService.inMeetingAudioController.muteAttendeeAudio(shouldMute, zoomId)

If shouldMute is false, the users get unmuted and it works well. However, when the value is true, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Which Android Client SDK version?

Hi @rares.vultur, thanks for the post.

It doesn’t seem like there is anything wrong with how you are calling into the muteAttendeeAudio method. What is the return value you are seeing? How frequently are you calling this method?


@jon.zoom I am not getting any return value. I went on to debug within the framework and the flow goes to public final MobileRTCSDKError muteAttendeeAudio(boolean var1, long var2) methon inside j.class.

I’m guessing that public final MobileRTCSDKError muteAttendeeAudio(boolean var1, long var2) returns false because it doesn’t reach return MobileRTCSDKError.SDKERR_SUCCESS; so I’m guessing there’s an internal error. I wasn’t able to debug deeper to see exactly where the error occurs.

I’m not calling this method frequently. But it never works when I do. It works only when the value is ‘false’ and it succesfully unmutes the user. However, when it is ‘true’, it doesn’t mute them.

Actually, after further investigation, it returns MobileRTCSDKError.SDKERR_OTHER_ERROR; every time

Hi @rares.vultur,

Thanks for confirming. Since the return value doesn’t give us any additional information and we have not been able to reproduce this locally, we will need the SDK logs to investigate further. Can you please send over the logs through our new developer support portal? The logs should be under sdcard/Android/data/$youAppPackage/logs/ and will be an encrypted file.


@jon.zoom when i go to that hyper link i get sent to a basic home page. can you please help by step by step on how to upload the logs after clicking your hyperlink?


Hi @rares.vultur,

In order to access that page and create a ticket, you will need to be signed into a Zoom account with access to developer support. If you are being redirected, it may be worth trying to open that in a private window in your browser.


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