Named host license users

We have a limited number of named host license on our account and we use custCreate to create users. All the users we create are getting named user license by default and on we don’t see any indication for the named host license on user accounts list. Is there any flag that we should pass to specify if this is a request to create a named host license? How can we create a new user using custCreate which does not have named host user license?

Hey @zoomtest, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

I am confused, are you trying to create a basic free user?

If so, call the POST /user endpoint and pass in 1 for type in the user_info object.


Thanks, we will try it and let you know if this solved our problem.

Thanks @zoomtest,

Let me know if it works! :slight_smile:


Can you advise how to check which users on our accounts are using named host license? The users listing page (/accounts/user) shows some accounts as Basic and some accounts as Pro, how to check the current named host license utilization on our account?

Hey @zoomtest,

I would reach out to so the billing team can help answer this question.


Hi, please help us here.

Hey @zoomtest,

Can you explain what the problem is you are trying to solve?

Are you trying to figure out how many paid users are using their accounts?
