Need help discovering which app is associated with an API Key


I am a zoom admin and it has been requested of me to delete a Zoom API key from our instance. However when I go to the apps section I can only see the names of the applications that have been deployed and not the API keys themselves. Is there a way to search via this admin console to locate the corresponding app to an API Key?

Hi @ga_zjacobs , the apps created on your account do not have an API key – they have application credentials (client id and client secret), and older SDKs may have an SDK key and secret.

Are you able to click inside the apps? You should see a drop down in the top right corner of the Zoom App Marketplace next to your icon that says “manage”.

Yep! I can get to the manage bit, but from there I’m not seeing of any way to find an API key that’s been issued. Is there any way to locate these?

Hi @ga_zjacobs, as I mentioned before, we do not have apps that contain an API key. We used to have one, JWT app type, but that has been deprecated for almost a year now. JWT app types do not exist on user accounts anymore.

Can you please get more clarification from who gave you the guidance? Ask them to clarify what app from your “created apps” they want you to look at. Additionally, you would not be able to remove the application credentials, but you can uninstall locally installed apps.

Thanks for the details! So I’m assuming if we don’t see any JWT apps in the console then those have been deleted thus completing the request

Hi @ga_zjacobs yes that’s correct!