Need Help Finding Call Queue Historical Reports and User Performance Reports Data in Zoom API


I am currently working on integrating Zoom Phone Analytics into our system and specifically need to access the data for “Call Queue Historical Reports” and “User Performance Reports” via the Zoom API.

Despite thorough searches through the official Zoom API documentation, Google, and this forum, I have not been able to find any clear instructions or endpoints that provide this data.

Can anyone guide me on where I can find this data in the API? Any specific endpoints or documentation links would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards,


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Hi @antony11 , are these reports you are seeing in the web portal? Unfortunately, not all of the web portal reports map 1-1 with Zoom Phone API.

These are all the endpoints for call queue:

Here’s a guide on call history as well: Understand Zoom Phone call history

For “user performance reports”, there is no endpoint I can recommend at this time.

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Hi @gianni.zoom,

Thank you for your response.

Yes, I am referring to the web portal reports in Zoom Phone Analytics. I didn’t attach a screenshot or a link to the screenshot as the forum forbids it.

Thank you for confirming that there is no endpoint for “Call Queue Historical Reports” and “User Performance Reports” at the moment. Is there any roadmap? Or any other way to automate the process of obtaining the “Call Queue Historical Reports” and “User Performance Reports” data without resorting to scraping, which I assume you do not encourage?

Best regards,


Hi Antony,

I was trying to access the backend data of User Performance Reports and came across your request. Were you able to find a way to extract the data without scraping the report?

I was also trying to use different Zoom Phone APIs that would match the numbers in our user performance reports but noticed huge differences.

Any suggestions on how you went about this would be great.


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Hi @antony11 @shcherukuri ,

Could you please make a Feature Requests and link that here? We will work with PMs to see if this is upcoming or can be placed on the roadmap.

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Hello Gianni,

Thank you for looking into this matter. Unfortunately, this forum is not allowing us to post links for some unexplained reason, so I’m providing the link with spaces so you can view it:

https : / / devforum . zoom . us / t / request-for-zoom-api-endpoints-call-queue-historical-reports-and-user-performance-reports/116719

Hello Sri Harika,

No, I was not.

But I made a request as Gianni suggested so you can visit the following link (after removing its spaces):

https : / / devforum . zoom . us / t / request-for-zoom-api-endpoints-call-queue-historical-reports-and-user-performance-reports/116719

to mention that you also need this feature to be implemented.

Best regards,


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