New iOS SDK - getAuthService returns nil ( On SDK Authentication )

After upgrading to the latest SDK - 5.0, getAuthService returns nil hence causing the rest of the Auth. procedure to fail.

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add the SDK into your iOS project
  2. Try authenticating the SDK
  3. Observe what’s returned on MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService()
  4. See error

Additional context
This started after upgrading to the latest SDK.
Below is a sample code that worked but returning nil now

func authenticateSDK() {
    let zoomSDK = MobileRTC.shared()
    guard let authService = zoomSDK.getAuthService() else {
        print("DEBUG: Auth service is \(zoomSDK.getAuthService())")
    authService.delegate = self
    authService.clientKey = ZoomAPI.appKey
    authService.clientSecret = ZoomAPI.appSecret

Hi @jiranileoapp,

Has the SDK been successfully initialized like this in the demo app: before calling the authService?


Greetings @Carson_Chen,
Thank you for your response.

No - The SDK fails to initialise,
I swapped the old SDK with the new one ( v.5 ),

  • Implement Change-log instructions ( Which does not instruct how to set the above values that are nil )

Would you please instruct me how to initialise the values above( Using Swift )? - They are returning ‘nil’

Hi @jiranileoapp,

Thanks for the reply. Could you verify and see if you have correctly imported the MobileRTC.framework and MobileRTCResources.bundle?

You could initialize the SDK like the following:

let context = MobileRTCSDKInitContext();
 context.domain = ""

Once the initialization is a success, then you could perform SDK auth.


My SDK is successfully initialized
but I am still getting nil on
[[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getAuthService]; in “SDKAuthPresenter” File.
Can you please help?

Hi @hemant,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Are you getting this issue with the iOS SDK demo app( Is this reproducible on the demo app? If so, could you provide the step to reproduce it?
