No Audio issue in Web Meeting SDK

Meeting SDK Type and Version
Web Meeting SDK - Client View
2.16 and 2.17

No audio is audible in the web sdk when in the meeting. We have verified that audio is connected.

No Console errors

How To Reproduce
We are still trying to find exact conditions in which this bug occurs but right now we are seeing this issue randomly.

Hi @bharat.bhadresha
thanks for reaching out to us!
is this happening in any specific browser?

@bharat.bhadresha , We’ve seen this issue occur before in various forms.

Two places this could potentially be going wrong is in the network connection to the Zoom audio endpoint, or in the WebAssembly audio decoder. I would recommend inspecting the network traffic to see if the connection is being made correctly, and if audio data is being received from Zoom.

Another option is .
It’s a simple 3rd party API that lets you use meeting bots to get raw audio/video from meetings without you needing to spend months to build, scale and maintain these bots. Might be worth checking out.

Let me know if you have any questions!

This is happening in chromium browser version 116.

Below is the browser log that is emitted in audio failing meeting. This log is emitted to many times.

[Audio][Worklet]::process() exception: memory access out of boundsRuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
    at wasm://wasm/00b55a8a:wasm-function[124]:0x8af9
    at Module.__Update_Monitor_Receive_Audio_Info (
    at a.sendLog (
    at H.process ( JSHandle@array "[Audio][Worklet]::process() exception: memory access out of boundsRuntimeError: memory access out of bounds\n    at wasm://wasm/00b55a8a:wasm-function[124]:0x8af9\n    at 
Module.__Update_Monitor_Receive_Audio_Info (\n    at a.sendLog (\n    at H.process (
io_worklet_simd.min.js:1:19888)" [] {"url":"","lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":4431}

This is from SDK version 2.16.0 but we have faced the same issue in 2.17.0 too

Hi @bharat.bhadresha
Can you please try to replicate this issue with the sample app?

Hi @elisa.zoom

I am not able to replicate this issue on will. Still trying to figure out in what conditions this issue is triggered.

Hi @elisa.zoom,

Below log is also present in meetings where audio failed.

 [Audio][Worklet]::SABDecodeProcess() audio_decode exception: offset is out of boundsRangeError: offset is out of bounds
    at Int8Array.set (<anonymous>)
    at H.SABDecodeProcess (
    at H.process ( JSHandle@array "[Audio][Worklet]::SABDecodeProcess() audio_decode exception: offset is out of boundsRangeError: offset is out of bounds
        at Int8Array.set (<anonymous>)
        at H.SABDecodeProcess (
        at H.process (" [] {"url":"","lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":4431}

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