No callback when meeting invitation is declined on other device

When the SDK receives an invitation to meeting, there are some callbacks defined on IPresenceHelperEvent that can be implemented that allow you track the status of the meeting invitation. They are:


Both onMeetingInvitationCanceled() and onMeetingAcceptedByOtherDevice() work as expected. But I’m not seeing onMeetingDeclinedByOtherDevice() get called under any circumstances.

To see this happen (or not happen), I log into the Zoom mobile app on a phone and an SDK app with the same account. Then I log into the Zoom desktop app with a different account. From desktop, I call the first account. Both mobile app and SDK app get the meeting invitation. If I decline on the SDK app, the mobile app seems to notice this and the invitation goes away. But if I decline on the mobile app, the SDK app never gets the callback, so I can’t take action and make the invitation go away. When the desktop user ends the meeting, onMeetingInvitationCanceled() gets called from the SDK like it should.

Tested with latest SDK: v5.16.5.17050

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