No data is forwarded to all the subscription, when one subscription is expired

No Data is ingested when having multiple subscription is to same webhooks & one of the subscription is expired.

Ingestion to the all the end point is stopped , when one subscription is expired.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create 2 subscription under same webhooks.
  2. Create meeting let the data flows to end point.
  3. Regenerate the secret token.
  4. Create 2 subscription under same webhooks with new token.
  5. Create meeting let the data flows to end point.
  6. Leave it in same state for 3 days.
  7. Subscription with old token got expired.
  8. When one of the subscription got expired , data ingest for other valid sources also stopped.

Actual :
No data is forwarded to all the subscription, when one subscription is expired.
No Data is ingested when having multiple subscription to the same webhooks & one of the subscription is expired
No authentication is available on webhooks logs.

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hi @damotharananandakuma
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community, we are happy you are here!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this issue on your end?