No privilege to my account on 60 days free trial

hello Tommy,

Hope you doing well.
I am getting below error on start meeting .
{“method”:“join”,“status”:false,“errorCode”:1,“errorMessage”:“The meeting number is wrong.”,“result”:null}

Please check below details:


I am facing error below .so can anyone have a solution for it.

I am getting below error on start meeting .
{“method”:“join”,“status”:false,“errorCode”:1,“errorMessage”:“The meeting number is wrong.”,“result”:null}

Please check below details:

getting {
“code”: 200,
“message”: “No privilege.”
} when sending this curl:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"action":"create","user_info":{"email":"email","type":1,"first_name":"Terry","last_name":"Jones"}}'

Body [400] 161msHeaders [13] Original Request

please help.
I am on my free trial account still no previlage it says.

Hi @mamta.dhaka, as Tim writes above, our customer support team will need to help you sort this Free Trial: