No Server-to-Server OAuth App Available

Hi Community,

Our team has an issue. Some of our APIs from our Server-to-Server OAuth app isn’t working, and it looks like the app isn’t available anymore, so not sure how to proceed with this.

Our APIs that aren’t working at: webinar_id: participants, polls.

But our scopes work fine: report:read:admin & webinar:read:admin

These APIs are also working fine: webinar_id: registrants, participants, instances

Can anyone assist us?

Thank you!

@elisa.zoom - Hi Elisa, just wondering if you can assist with this inquiry? It appears it’s still an issue. Thank you!!

NVM - we solved it by creating the zoom app on our admin account. Thanks!

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@tara.achkar You first need to enable permissions ( in your account to get access to the app.


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