None loading Zoom meeting

I’m glad to hear that was helpful!

Let me know if my comment helps @joesmittykingolam


This issue is easy to reproduce on Firefox OSX using Zoom WebSDK 1.9.6. It works fine on Chrome and Safari but always bombs on Firefox. And I’m not using an iframe.

Here’s my steps to reproduce:

I was able to fix the websdk-sample-react app by setting disablePreview: true when calling ZoomMtg.init. So something like this:

      leaveUrl: leaveUrl,
      disablePreview: true,
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Hey @nhartner,

Thanks for sharing your insight and steps to reproduce the issue! I’ll investigate further on my end and reach out to our engineering team. Based on that information, this does sound like a bug recently introduced.


I will join in saying i’m encountering the same issues. ZoomMtg.init(.. results in

… I am unable to get around this problem. All of my code is strictly based of the SDK examples.

Additionally, if I wait until the browser presents me with the option to allow video and audio, I do not encounter the errors, however I am presented with

Dear future users… Create a JWT app. Don’t create a Web SDK app. Even though it doesn’t make sense. Here is what you will see when you create a JWT app…

@SigmaNursing That seems to be a separate issue but I appreciate that you shared your solution here! Thank you!


Hey @nhartner,

Thank you for your patience. I’ve been tracking similar issues but it doesn’t seem they are related to what you are encountering here. After testing this out further on my end, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue using your steps.

The only difference in my steps is that I’m using NPM instead of Yarn. That shouldn’t make a difference but the Readme does indicate that it was designed using NPM. The same is true if we look at the package-lock.json.

If that isn’t helpful, please send an email to with a link to this thread. We can set up a time to debug the issue live from there.


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