Not able to open custom UI


I am able to connect , open and join meeting if i use zoom meeting UI. it works fine for me.
but I am not able to open custom UI, although in case of custom UI aproach I am able to join the meeting.

Here is the approach i am following :
Initialization :
Code snippet for initialization :
ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.InitParam param = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.InitParam();
param.web_domain = “”;
param.config_opts.optionalFeatures = 32;

        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKError err = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.Initialize(param);

Code Snippet for authentication :

        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.AuthParam authparam = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.AuthParam();

        authparam.appKey = "XXXXXXXX";
        authparam.appSecret = "XXXXXXX";

Meeting status change event : there is one event onMeetingStatusChange, when the meeting status is MEETING_STATUS_INMEETING

Below Code executes :

videocontainer vc = new videocontainer();
RECT t = new RECT
Right = 10,
Left = 10,
Bottom = 100,
Top = 10
GCHandle handle1 = GCHandle.Alloc(vc);
IntPtr parameter = (IntPtr)handle1;

                    var customUIContainer = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetCustomizedUIMgrWrap().CreateVideoContainer(parameter, t);

JOINING Meeting :
Code snippet for the same :
ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam joinparam = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam();
//joinparam.userType = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKUserType.SDK_UT_APIUSER;
ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam4APIUser join_api_param = new ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.JoinParam4APIUser();
join_api_param.meetingNumber = 123456789;
join_api_param.userName = “”;
joinparam.apiuserJoin = join_api_param;

        ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.SDKError err = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().Join(joinparam);
		After following this approacg i am able to join meeting but custom UI provided by zoom is not getting opened.
		Can you please let me know if i am missing something or any problem with my approach.