Not able to switch camera in iPhone

Hi team,
Not able to switch camera when using recent zoom sdk. As per last conversation about this issue, I enabled top bar but still not able to see camera switch option.

. I want to hide information option from top bar if i enabled top bar.

How to check all operation for zoom in simulator?

Hey @helloparent,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

The switch camera button will not show if video is not started already. Since the simulator does not have a camera the video will not be able to start and the switch camera button will not show.


Help me to hide this option from top bar which marked in red color

Hey @helloparent,

Unfortunately, you can only hide the title (which is what is happening now) or hide the whole top bar.


Hi Micheal,

If I hide the title, it shall open up on tapping which will reveal the meeting details. In our SDK, we cannot reveal the meeting details with the participants.

If I hide the whole top bar, I cannot switch the camera. Please advise how to switch the camera then.

Hey @helloparent,

You could hide the top bar, then create your own bar that would have a switch camera button. That button would call the switchMyCamera method, and the bar could be added to the meetingView after you get meetingView from the MeetingService. Beyond that, I would advise using a custom meeting UI.


Hi Micheal

Can all this be done in the default UI.

Hey @helloparent,

Yes you would just have to handle managing the views yourself using the meetingView I mentioned above.


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