When requesting the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint, some instances aren’t showing up, but I can still see all instance recordings on Recording Management, and even retrieve them with the /past_meetings/{meetingUUID} endpoint.
For these UUIDs were there two or more people joined the meeting during this time? Our APIs only return meetings with two or more people who have joined.
Thank you, I did try that, but according to the docs, informing the meeting ID only retrieves the last instance. I would need to know the UUID of all the “single participant” instances to retrieve their recordings.
My issue is exactly obtaining those UUID, which I currently can only see in the Zoom recording management page, by looking at the URL of the recording for each instance.
When requesting the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint only last 1 Year data is coming . Is there any facilities to get before that uuids and dates Or any search facilities by Dates.