Not all meeting instances showing on /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint

When requesting the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint, some instances aren’t showing up, but I can still see all instance recordings on Recording Management, and even retrieve them with the /past_meetings/{meetingUUID} endpoint.

For example, requesting doesn’t return the following uuids:

  • cNhdzV6aSuKwMFViTfVqRw==
  • SwW7JvJ0QX+kf0V7ZAit/g==
  • m73T+adFgWDlro8Hw==
  • 8k9W7+2yQwiThamM4QL+iA==

Hi @Eduardo_Cordeiro,

For these UUIDs were there two or more people joined the meeting during this time? Our APIs only return meetings with two or more people who have joined.


Thank you for the explanation, @michael_p.zoom, that’s definitely it.

Is there any way to retrieve recordings from meeting instances where there was only the host present, please?

I tried /users/{userId}/recordings before, but I think it only returned the latest instance of each meeting ID, or something like that.

Hi @Eduardo_Cordeiro,

Have you tried retrieve all meeting recordings -


Thank you, I did try that, but according to the docs, informing the meeting ID only retrieves the last instance. I would need to know the UUID of all the “single participant” instances to retrieve their recordings.

My issue is exactly obtaining those UUID, which I currently can only see in the Zoom recording management page, by looking at the URL of the recording for each instance.


Same problem here. Did you find a way to solve it ?

Hi @Dani,

Please see my reply here:


When requesting the /past_meetings/{meetingId}/instances endpoint only last 1 Year data is coming . Is there any facilities to get before that uuids and dates Or any search facilities by Dates.

Hi @amitabh

That is the expected behavior for that endpoint. We do not have endpoints that support querying data from more than 1 year ago.