Not receiving push of start/end Meeting from zoom on my registered endpoint


I have registered url on credentials tab. That end point is working fine with postman. 

I am not getting any push of zoom on this endpoint when I start or end meeting. Please let me know how can I debug this. 

Is there ant log I can see in my account? or please make available any of your developer to debug with me.




Hey Mahipat,

You can find the push notification logs in the developer portal:

I don’t know what version of java you are using (at zoom), but it appears that your keystore does not have updated CSA root certificates.  Please update.

Paul, we will check. Thanks for letting us know 


please fix this. In your push notification call log it displays below 500 error: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This is related to the cert error that you have reported earlier. We will be making the change to trust all SSL certs for notifications in our next release. 

Thanks, Wei