OAuth Allow List for desktop app

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I developed a desktop app that integrates with Zoom meeting SDK
I used to put Oauth Allow list like this one : zoomAuth://silexpro.com and it used to work and redirect it successfully to my app.

but now when trying it it gives me zoom that this link is invalid .

How can I fix it ?

Thank you

Hi @samantha2
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum
Is your app published in the Marketplace? If so, could you share the name of it with me.
Also make sure that the redirect URL (dev or prod) matches the oauth allow list

Dear Elisa,

No, my app is not published in the zoom portal. And I tried now to put same redirect URL in the dev and prod fields as well as the allowed list and it still not letting me put the URL :“zoomAuth://silexpro.com” in the allowed list but it’s saved in the dev and prod fields. and when trying to get the Access Token it gives me the error invalid redirect URL .

Thank you for your help


I see what you mean.
the URL needs to be a valid HTTPS secure URL

But this used to work before I am working on a desktop application. So I can’t have a web link .
I used to make the access token be redirect in the registry to my desktop app and was working until 2 days ago.

How to solve this?

Kind Reminder,

What should we put as an allow list for a native application with no backend server now ?

@samantha2 , could you take a look at pkce auth?

This is specifically for client apps without backend server

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