Oauth App Publishing Timelines

Thanks for the responses @tommy. I have a number of follow-up questions about deauthorization and the submission checklist.

  1. Will we need to send you all a PDF of our apps’ documentation so that you can review it?

  2. In regards to @michael.zoom’s comment earlier: What did you mean by "the quality of functional testing."Do you all need to use our marketplace app somehow before it gets verified??

  3. Can you help us understand better what you mean by “deleting User data” when the user asks us to remove it during deauthorization. We are a non-profit and political org CRM and we will very likely create records based on webinar registrant data that will then have subsequent actions taken on them, such as a user submitting a contribution to the organization after the event is over. Does your compliance require that we delete data all data we have ever received from you through the marketplace app or specifically data about the user?

  4. In this feature request: Full participant data for webinars for a user-level OAuth App we discussed the need for a webinar participant data endpoint. Since that doesn’t exist and your webhooks retries are disabled we are planning on publishing two separate apps. One for our using to link to webinars (which will be an Account-Level Oauth App, since we will have to hit the Webinar Participants Report endpoint) and another to link to meetings (which will be a User level app, so that non-zoom admins can install this app). Is that going to be acceptable? We’d love to make it one user level app, but we can’t do that without retries and/or a webinar participants endpoint.

  5. Speaking of ramifications of webhooks being turned off. We are planning on implementing a daily poll for registrations and attendance of all meetings/webinars that are linked to our system by our users and where the date of the meeting/webinar is within 2 days of today. I’m not sure if this would constitute “long polling” the API, but we feel that this will be necessary for reliability as long as the webhooks don’t have retries. Is this going to be a problem? Is there something else that you would like us to do?