Oauth app to manage meetings and reports

I want my web app to allow users to create Zoom meetings using their own Zoom account from within my web app. I also want to get reports on how the feature is being utilized by getting data of those Zoom meetings.

Basically I am interested in the POST /users/{userId}/meetings and GET /report/meetings/{meetingId} endpoints.

From what I understand, is that if I use a user-level oauth app I will be able to allow users to create Zoom meetings from within my web app using their own Zoom accounts, but I will not be able to use the GET /report/meetings/{meetingId} endpoint.

And if I use an account-level oauth app I will be able to get reports on meetings, but I will not be able to allow users to create Zoom meetings from within my web app using their own Zoom accounts.

Is this correct?

Yes, you need an account-level or admin-level app and that app needed to be published on Zoom Marketplace before accessing external user’s creds. Once the admin authorizes your app, you need to send notifications to all the account users so, that they can start creating meetings from your service.

Thank you but this sounds like a none viable solution for my use case. Is there another way?

Then you need to create a WebHook User level App and bind events for participants to join/exist and build reports at your end without requesting Zoom Reports API.

Mhm, I see. Do you think that I can keep the user-level oauth app and use this endpoint? https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/methods/#operation/pastMeetingDetails

Yes, b/c it is also accessible via meeting:read scope.