onClickedSharedButton is not called when appShare is true

I want to share a UIView, but it’s not working.
Using the sample project as a reference, I set isAppShare to true, started a meeting, and tried to call startAppShare with the share button. However, tapping the share button does not call the delegate’s onClickedShareButton.

I was able to confirm that the onClickedAudioButton was called. We also see that onClickedShareButton is called when isAppShare is set to false.

Is there anything special I need to do to get the onClickedShareButton to be called when isAppShare is true?

  • iOS SDK version: v5.2.41735.0928
  • Device: iPad
  • OS: iOS13.7
  • Version: 7

I found that if I set appShare to True, the onClickedShareButton wouldn’t be called unless I called startAppShare before calling showMobileRTCMeeting.

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Hey @ymaenami

Thanks for using the dev forum! Sorry for the delay, but Im glad to hear you got it working!

Please let me know if you run into any more issues, or have more questions.

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