The pattern is that if the meetingUUID contains the ‘+’ character, the call will fail with 404. You can see that the ‘+’ is encoded with “%2B” as is common for URL encodings. However, the error message echos the meetingUUID with a space instead of ‘+’. A URL with a ‘+’ denotes a ’ ’ (space) in place of the ‘+’. Our meetingUUID was given to us from Zoom API with ‘+’ (a valid character in Base64 encoding).
2 things come to mind: either there’s some special handling I need to use for meetingUUIDs that contain ‘+’, or the call to retrieve past meeting participants is mishandling the ‘%2B’.
Just tried double-encoding if meetingUUID contains ‘+’ and it worked! Probably worth having someone from Zoom have a look and if this is truly needed, please update docs to indicate that. Please note that I’m using and not
Glad you were able to get past the 404—you’re correct that you’ll need to double encode the URL if there is a / or +. We will work on making this clearer.
Regarding meetings that aren’t returning participants, can you share more details with us at, including the Meeting ID that the Meeting UUID(s) are associated with?